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篇名 「新音樂學」的價值觀轉向──由「目標導向」到「非目標導向」
卷期 38
並列篇名 A Change of Values in the “New Musicology” Studies ── From Goal-Orientedness to Non-Goal-Orientedness
作者 王育雯
頁次 123-162
關鍵字 新音樂學目標導向音樂審美克雷莫蘇巴妮可麥克拉蕊New Musicologygoal-orientation music aestheticsLawrence KramerRose Rosengaard SubotnikSusan McClary
出刊日期 200904




It is often assumed that studies of the so-called New Musicology, which started around 1980s, differ from older musical studies mainly in their cross-disciplinary methodologies, with import of those developed in literary criticism, cultural studies, feminist or gender studies, etc., or in their attitudes toward musical autonomy. This essay indicates that, in addition to the difference in methodology, new musicology differs from the “old” studies in terms of musical interpretation in their respective perspectives and values as well. Taking Chopin’s Prelude in A Minor as the primary focus, this study compares and analyzes the explanations and interpretations offered by some representative new musicologists with those by scholars of the older generations. As a result, the difference is found primarily in their respective attitudes toward goal-orientedness in the music.
