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篇名 Arrangement of the Dropped Initials and its Connections with the Punctuation in Manuscript and Printed Versions of the Roman de Perceforest: about Different Interpretations of the Text
卷期 38
並列篇名 章節起首的大號字母位置與標點符號之關聯:以貝瑟彿黑小說的手稿和印刷版為例探討文章之詮釋問題
作者 李蕙珍
頁次 163-200
關鍵字 Perceforestpunctuationdropped initialsmanuscriptsinterpretations of the text貝瑟彿黑標點符號手稿文章詮釋章節起首的大號字母
出刊日期 200904




In the Middle Ages, texts were characterized by a compact succession of letters without spacing and few punctuation marks. Before the codification of the punctuation, dropped initials were generally used by the manual copyists for indicating visually the beginning of books, chapters or paragraphs. They were distinguished by larger format and came with adornments. Their main functions consist in dividing up into significant unities. In fact, after the invention of the typography, humanist editors continued to use dropped initials for fear of changing drastically the habit of reading. Some of philologists, when they present the medieval texts, cut the texts arbitrarily without respecting their original structure because of the comfort reading, but these dropped initials contain essential indications of the reading and possible interpretations of the texts at the time of copyists. Based on two manuscripts of the 15th century and an edition of the sixteenth century, our study aims to make a comparative analysis of the arrangement of the dropped initials and its connections with the punctuation in order to bring out different possibilities of the reading of the same text.
