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篇名 From the Garden to the Grove: Aemilia Lanyer, Andrew Marvell, and the Pursuit of Privacy
卷期 39
並列篇名 從花園到樹林:蘭諾、馬莫與隱私的追尋
作者 李慧玲
頁次 153-180
關鍵字 country house poetrygenderclassprivacyAemilia LanyerAndrew Marvell莊園詩性別階級隱私蘭諾馬莫
出刊日期 200907




Although England is claimed to be “the birth place of privacy,” historians also suggest that privacy as we know it today was difficult, if not virtually impossible, to attain in early modern England, especially in the country house. The lack of privacy in the country house resulted not so much from its conflation with domesticity as from the hierarchical social relations that both informed and were strengthened by architectural plans. In contrast, the garden and grove in the country estate, due to their lack of solid boundaries and rigid spatial organizations, were less restrictive, albeit no less artificial, spaces than the country house. They could also release the individual temporarily from the domestic hierarchy that regulated and monitored his conduct and interactions with others, and hence provide the opportunities for alternative forms of privacy that were unavailable in the country house. Although relatively free from the hierarchical structure that rules the country house, the garden and grove were subject to the influences of other social and cultural customs or traditions. As illustrated in drama and love poetry, renaissance gardens had the reputation of being the site of erotic encounters. By shielding potential sexual misdeeds from the public view, the garden constituted an ambivalent space whose privacy, however spiritually rewarding it might be, was simultaneously suspicious, if not dangerous, to the community. On the contrary, the grove due to its association with social rank and class privileges served as a better place where privacy could be constructed. By exploring the different social contexts of the garden and the grove, this article aims to examine the multiple meanings of privacy in different class and gender relations. While attending to the ambivalent representation of privacy in the garden, I hope to unveil the ways in which both Aemilia Lanyer’s “The Description of Cooke-ham” and Andrew Marvell’s “Upon Appleton House” locate privacy in the wood by construing it as a dimension of certain social practices in alternative social environments. Despite their different emphasis, the pursuit of privacy is not to assert the individual’s right to be left alone, but to pave the way back to the community.
