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篇名 香港科技研發體系之研究-以創新及科技基金為例
卷期 26:3
並列篇名 A Descriptive Study of Hong Kong's R&D System Based on Innovation and Technology Fund
作者 陳宏志
頁次 031-052
關鍵字 科技研發競爭力香港創新科技署創新及科技基金R&DCompetitionInnovation and Technology CommissionInnovation and technology fund
出刊日期 201403




Ranking by the World Economic Forum (WEF) published the Global Competitiveness Report, 2013-2014, the Hong Kong (HK) is 7 and Taiwan is 12. However, the gross domestic product per person to compare the average income of Hong Kong and Taiwan fall nearly USD $ 16,000. The report also shows that, Hong Kong owns better prepare the infrastructure and technology degree, among the best in global competitiveness. We know that governments can only actively enhance technological innovation and research and development, and to continue to strengthen human resources, improve the financial and environmental advantages, in order to maintain the country's competitiveness. How do the Taiwan authorities take existing competitive advantages to short and finally, and synergy? This article will describe the Hong Kong's R & D system, the competent authority, and major resources. By this study can help the audience to understand the practice of Hong Kong system, and looking for the better way to improve Taiwan's international competitiveness.
