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篇名 政府採購雲端服務新興模式暨資安一體考量之研析
卷期 26:5
並列篇名 The Analysis of New Government Procurement Method for Cloud Services and Accompanying Information Security Assurance Mechanism
作者 張乃文
頁次 052-071
關鍵字 雲端運算資訊服務產業政府採購資訊安全驗證Cloud computingInformation technology services industryGovernment procurementInformation securityAccreditation
出刊日期 201405




“Government procurement” as a tool to improve industry upgrading and transforming is a prominent strategy of the government to promote emerging industry. In an effort to expedite Cloud utilization progress in public sectors, foreign adavanced contries recently have tried out new method to conduct Cloud services procurement, and they would like to let entire public sectors follow the new rules to acquire Cloud services. For example, U.S. General Service Administration utilize precompeted blanket purchase agreements (BPAs) that help others agencies access to Email as a Service (EaaS) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), and achieve efficiencies and savings. UK Government have initiated G-Cloud Programme and implemented "framework agreements" to request for Cloud services joining on CloudStore plateform which agencies can select Cloud services from. Besides, information security assurance mechanism accompanied is a worthy point to observe. This article introduces above experiences of Cloud procurement methods and submits suggestion for future reference .
