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篇名 利用滾動無偏灰色模型預測甲烷排放量:以台灣為例
卷期 3特刊
並列篇名 Using Rolling Unbiased Grey Model to Forecast CH4 Emission in Taiwan
作者 黃士滔王俊傑
頁次 177-188
關鍵字 灰色模型GM滾動無偏灰色模型甲烷Grey Model GMRolling Unbiased Grey ModelCH4
出刊日期 201410
DOI 10.6285/MIC.3(1)S.15




With the development of technology, the development of industry, it has caused the ecological environment changes. So the environmental issue is a serious problem, and human have to solve it. Over the past decade, greenhouse gas was a major cause of global warming issues, and it causing current sea level rise. Especially, it influences island countries like Taiwan. Most people thought CO2 was the main reason causing of global warming, but CH4 was neglected. In terms of the latest calculated, CH4 was 72 times higher than CO2 in greenhouse effect. This study using the Rolling Check Model and Unbiased Grey Forecasting Model, and energy sector、industrial sector、transport sector and total emissions for investigate respectively. The results were averages error of less than 10%, and it represents a highly accurate prediction. The total emissions were 17236.777, 16892.945 and 16555.972, from 2013 to 2015, and the emissions of CH4 decreased gradually in Taiwan, which is good for the problem of environment. In addition it formulates the policies prevention and publicity by government. But whether are energy, industry, and transport, and etc. We should to work together to maintain our environment.

