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篇名 整合專利迴避、QFD與TRIZ於新產品設計之研究
卷期 3特刊
並列篇名 A Study of the Process of New Product Design — Integrating the Patent Design Around, QFD and TRIZ
作者 盧昆宏施同一
頁次 241-251
關鍵字 專利迴避品質機能展開問題解決理論patent design aroundQuality Function DeploymentQFDTheory of the Solution of Inventive ProblemTRIZ
出刊日期 201410
DOI 10.6285/MIC.3(1)S.20




The purpose of this study is to develop a new product designing process integrating Quality Function Deployment(QFD), Theory of the Solution of Inventive Problem(TRIZ) and patent design-around. The design process aims to reduce the possibility of patent infringement and let the product friendlier to use. The researchers do the research by focusing on one patent of a product first and then design the questions about TRIZ. After collecting enough outcomes from testers, researchers analyzes patent claim and improvement priorities, which is based on the goal of using TRIZ to solve problems about patent. Finally, researchers use the TRIZ theory to find out solutions. Researchers expect that this new product design process is available and helpful in the future.

