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篇名 私校公共性之反思:以私立高中職為例
卷期 30
並列篇名 Reflection of Private Schools’ Publicness: A Case Study on Private Senior High and Vocational Schools
作者 陳金龍楊振昇
頁次 057-074
關鍵字 十二年國教私立學校法公共性12-year basic educationPrivate School ActPublicness
出刊日期 201412




This article aims to rethink about publicness policy of private schools, and to objectively evaluate its policy implications by dialectical analysis among viewpoints. For this purpose, this article is discussed in three parts: first, systematically reviewing the development of private schools in Taiwan; second, showing all opinions about enhancing publicness, including whether government intervening private schools’ operation or not, and its potential effects and risks in consequence; finally, concluding discussions and putting forward some policy initiatives based on our viewpoint which keeps balanced stand between academic research and policy making. We provide that the disagreements of enhancing private schools’ publicness among several groups result from their egotistic interests, which discourage consensus with others. So that, to replace “zero-sum” thought with “relative gain” idea, which means looking after both high quality education and social responsibility, would be the best way to reach the necessary consensus for implementing 12-year basic education program among pro-publicness, con-publicness, and government.
