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篇名 注射生理食鹽水對主動脈電腦斷層血管攝影於影像上的差異
卷期 10:4
並列篇名 Differences between Saline Injections Aortic CT Angiography on Image
作者 賴冠琳羅彬峯曾櫻綺陳啟仁
頁次 967-972
關鍵字 生理食鹽水主動脈電腦斷層血管攝影電腦斷層SalineAortic CT AngiographyComputed Tomography
出刊日期 201412


現今電腦斷層運用於臨床醫學已經是不可或缺的檢查利器,而診斷血管疾病利用電腦斷層血管攝影(Computed Tomography angiography, CTA)的技術,相較於血管攝影檢查的風險性,此項檢查將減少許多術後感染與侵入性檢查所造成的風險,而臨床使用電腦斷層血管攝影診斷血管疾病已經是第一線的選擇,診斷主動脈相關疾病利用主動脈電腦斷層血管攝影(Aorta CTA)已經成為首要的檢查項目。本院主動脈電腦斷層血管攝影檢查是利用注射器(injector)進行顯影劑的注射,注射顯影劑後再注射生理食鹽水,將研究對象分為兩組,進行有無注射生理食鹽水的前後比較,利用影像上圈選三個ROI的來統計數值,分別是主動脈(Aorta)、腹腔動脈幹(Celiac trunk)、上腔靜脈(SVC),將兩組數值的分析再進行T-test的比較,得出Aorta (p=0.133)、Celiac trunk (p=0.028)、SVC (p=0.001),而注射顯影劑後再注射生理食鹽水也有助於提升影像顯影效果。


Differences between with/without injecting saline in aortic CT angiography Computed tomography has been wide used in clinical, while using Computed Tomography angiography (CTA) to diagnosis of vascular diseases become more common than conventional angiography that may cause higher risks associated with postoperative infection by invasive procedures. Aortic CT angiography (Aorta CTA) is first choice to diagnosis aortic-related diseases in Emergency Room Department. In aortic CTA, we inject contrast media by using syringe. Subjects were divided into two groups, one group inject extra saline after contrast media, one group not, show difference between two group. We choose ROI on the images to statistical values, descending aorta, celiac trunk, the superior vena cava (SVC), analyzing two groups of values by using T-test, getting value: descending aorta (p=0.133), celiac trunk (p=0.028), SVC (p=0.001), while injecting saline also could help to improve the image quality.
