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篇名 大學生家庭價值觀、人際關係依附風格與婚姻態度之相關研究-以高雄市為例
卷期 17
並列篇名 A Study on the Relationship among the Family Values, Human Relationship Attachment Styles toward Undergraduates’ Marriage Attitudes: Examples of Kaohsiung City,Taiwan
作者 丁鈺珊戴嘉南吳明隆
頁次 001-031
關鍵字 大學生家庭價值觀人際關係依附風格婚姻態度undergraduatesfamily valueshuman relationship attachment stylesmarriage attitude
出刊日期 201412




The purpose of this study aims to understand the relationship among the family value, human relationship attachment styles, and the attitudes toward marriage of the undergraduates in Kaohsiung City. It adopted Questionnaire Method and four research tools, including “Personal Basic Data,” “Family Value Inventory,” “Relationship Attachment Style Scale,” and “Marriage Attitude Survey.” The sampling survey subjects were the day school undergraduates in Kaohsiung City, and a total of 508 effective questionnaires were obtained. We analyzed the data by statistical methods like statistical test, One-Way ANOVA, correlation, and multiple regression coefficient. The research results are as the following: (1) The undergraduates’ family value tends to be modern, and most of them are“Anxious Attachment” Style, while the overall marriage attitudes tend to be positive.” (2) The marriage attitudes of the undergraduates differ from background variables. (3) The family value of the undergraduates is related to Attachment styles and the marriage attitudes. (4) The undergraduates’ family value of “to Bear-and-Raise Perspective” and“Marriage and Family Concept” has the most predictive function of each dimension in attitudes toward marriage.
