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篇名 應用行為分析運用於身心障礙機構教保專業之評鑑研究──以台中慈愛智能發展中心為例
卷期 12:3
並列篇名 Program Evaluation of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Training Program for Institute Professionals: A Case Study of Taichung Tsz-Ai Mental Development Center
作者 陳宏仁鳳華
頁次 155-174
關鍵字 應用行為分析CIPP身心障礙機構教保員CIPPapplied behavior analysiscare professionalseducational institute for individual with intellectual disability
出刊日期 201409




This study explores the effects of applied behavior analysis (ABA) on the training program of Institute Professionals of Educational institute for individual with intellectual disability. The results indicated that, (1) Institute Professionals believed that they need more professional trainings for their jobs. (2) Institute Professionals have positives attitude regarding the ABA program. (3) Institute Professionals suggest the institute to apply ABA program as a regular training program. (4) The ABA program successfully changed Institute Professionals’ attitudes to their jobs. In sum, The ABA program has positive effects on the training of Institute Professionals.
