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篇名 口腔癌病人以植體支持式下顎覆蓋式義齒重建-病例報告
卷期 9:2
並列篇名 Oral Cancer Patient with Reconstruction by Implant-Supported Overdenture – A Case Report
作者 李宗益蔣孟達邱國洲王宜斌謝義興陳元武
頁次 016-023
關鍵字 覆蓋式義齒植體附連體overdentureimplantLocator attachment
出刊日期 201409




Edentulous patients have common been replaced with dentures permitting improvement of speech, chewing function and aesthetics. But dental implants offer an alternative choice such as implant-supported overdenture. These implants are inserted into the jaws to provide more support, retention and stability of prosthesis. Here, we report a case who had received oral cancer surgical treatment and flap reconstruction. Owing to multiple caries, both upper and lower jaw had performed multiple retain roots removing and alveoloplasty. Afterwards four implants were inserted and these implants with Locator attachment to increase stability and therapeutic effect of lower denture. No complication was happened and good osseointegration of implants was showed as followed one year.
