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篇名 以超音波骨刀完成上顎竇增高術–病例報告
卷期 9:3
並列篇名 Maxillary Sinus Lift with Piezoelectric Bony Window Osteotomy - A Case Report
作者 吳右喬邱國洲吳契璁王宜斌謝義興陳元武
頁次 019-025
關鍵字 超音波骨刀上顎竇增高術側方開窗術式piezoelectric devicemaxillary sinus liftlateral window technique
出刊日期 201412




It is difficult to have dental implant over maxillary posterior edentulous ridge, due to the anatomic limitation of maxillary sinus. To increase the bone height for implant placement, maxillary sinus lift by osteotome technique or lateral window technique is executed oftentimes. When the bone height is deficient severely, lateral window technique is carried out prior to place dental implant. Comparison between piezoelectric device and conventional rotary instruments used in sinus lift by lateral window technique, the use of piezoelectric device decreased the frequency of membrane perforation. Here, we present a case of maxillary sinus lift with piezoelectric bony window osteotomy and share experience.
