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篇名 對中國美術史研究中再現論述模式的省思
卷期 15
並列篇名 A Reconsideration on the Representational Discourse in Studies of Chinese Art History
作者 石守謙
頁次 001-029
出刊日期 199706



 This essay provides an overview of the study of Chinese art history in 20th century and puts special emphasis on the impact that the representational Discourse had made in certain important issues. Among them, the stylistically revolution in the Yuan period, the secularization of later Chinese sculptures and the Western influence on Chinese painting are considered research topes deriving from the conceptual frame word of representationalism. The history of Chinese art as constructed in his representational discourse is consequently a linear development with ebbs and flows, and its apogees are formed out of original stylistic presentations. This nonlinear history, although easy to grasp, is rather simplified and unsuitable for Chinese at of the past. Its over exasperation of importance of originality and period style, its neglect of Chinese attitude of viewing art as nature manifestation (instead of representation), and the existence of regional cultures, all demand a serious reconsideration.

