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篇名 「聊齋誌異」寓言體類之研究
卷期 15
並列篇名 A Study on the Fable Styles of "Liao Tzai Chih Yih"
作者 吳福相
頁次 207-238
出刊日期 199706



Pu Sung-ling's "Liao Tzai Chih Yih" has been widely studied for its ideas, the art of its language, and its world of fantasy, its romantic elements, supernatural manifestations, feminist issues and its creative theories. An important area in which critical study falls short is Pu's use of the fable styles. This book discusses all the fable styles from three aspects; distinctive styles, examples and writing technique. Accordingly, there are eight groupings as follows: conclusion, explanation, biography, record, prelude, quitting, harmony and fiction. The fiction category is subdivided into two subgroups. One is note making and the other is legend. The stories of the former are classified into three kinds: single form, interlude form and combination form. The discussion shows that Pu Sung-ling makes skilful and creative use of fable styles handed down from earlier writers. The result is a rich and innovative masterpiece worthy of prolonged and careful study.

