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篇名 試論十二年國民基本教育「資訊科技」課程綱要規劃草案
卷期 250
並列篇名 Evaluation of the Draft Computer and Information Technology Curriculum in Twelve-Year National Fundamental Education
作者 何榮桂
頁次 048-064
關鍵字 十二年國民基本教育資訊科技教育資訊科技教育課程電腦課程twelve-year national fundamental educationinformation technology educationinformation technology education curriculumcomputer curriculum
出刊日期 201502
DOI 10.3966/168063602015020250004




The reform of Twelve-year National Fundamental Education changed every aspect of educational systems and teaching strategies. Curriculum revision is also viewed as one of the major modification, including computer science courses in elementary and secondary schools. The computer and information technology curriculum has undergone revisions at each grade levels separately but nowadays the revisions require the consideration of the many aspects occurring in the context of primary, secondary, and senior secondary education. Achieving such curriculum revision is challenging and will be more difficult than in the past. This paper provides an overview of computer and information technology curriculum determined by the twelve-year national fundamental education standard. It starts with a general introduction to the curriculum development and main features, to be followed by a closer look at key issues addressed in the draft computer and information technology curriculum in twelve-year national fundamental education. Although these comments and suggestions present an author’s opinion on the curriculum guidelines, they may have a role in providing references needed to implement curricular in computer and information technology for the twelve-year national fundamental education.
