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篇名 吳宓與毛彥文一一鉅變時代下的兩性關係
卷期 23
並列篇名 Wu Mi and Mao Yen-wen , Sexual Interactions in the Transitional Period
作者 吳振漢
頁次 235-267
關鍵字 吳宓毛彥文兩性關係民初中國現代史Wu MiMao Yen-wensexual interactionearly Republican timescontemporary Chinese history
出刊日期 200106




This article mainly deals with the romance between Wu Mi and Mao Yen-wen through whose case we inquire further into the issues how the intellectual community in early Republican times played modem sexual roles, adapted the changing customs, and suffered the social pressure. Chapter one introduces the backgrounds of Wu Mi and Mao Yen-wen as well as the encounter between the two. Their early lives deeply influenced the ways they handled their relationship. Chapter two is based on many historical materials, contained both comments of approval and disapproval on Wu and Mao,s affair,to attest the powerful social pressure tormenting the two highly educated individuals. Chapter three tries to explore whether Wu and Mao were qualified already to extricate from all traditional bondages and pursuit the so-called free love. Not only Wu and Mao but also many other intellectuals at that time faced the same dilemma to play balance between the social responsibility and self-realization. In conclusion, this study, served as a case, provides a new viewpoint to reexamine the interaction between radical and conservative thoughts, an essential topic of contemporary Chinese history.
