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篇名 Re-Traung the Frames, Borders, Edges and Margins of Derrida's De-Construction(s)
卷期 10
作者 方如凡
頁次 165-185
出刊日期 199206



Derrida makes it clear that there is no such thing as deconstruction in the singular: “There is no one, single deconstruction. Were there only one, were it homogeneous, it would not be inherently either conservative or revolutionary, or determinable within the code of such oppositions. That is precisely what gets on everyone’s nerves.... Deconstruction, in the singular, is not “inherently” anything at all that might be determinable on the basis of this code and of its criteria. It is “inherently” nothing at all; the logic of essence (by opposition to accident), of the proper (by opposition to the improper), hence of the “inherent” by opposition to the extrinsic, is precisely what all deconstruction has from the start called into question. ... Deconstruction does not exist somewhere, pure, proper, self-identical, outside of its inscriptions in conflictual and differentiated contexts; it “is” only what it does and what is done with it, there where it takes place” Limited Inc, p. 141.

