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篇名 戲文中的「合」字標註意涵──以《永樂大典戲文三種》為例
卷期 28
並列篇名 The “hé” 's meanings of scripts ─ Taking Yongle Great Encyclopedia scripts for example
作者 葉姵岑
頁次 025-061
關鍵字 永樂大典合唱合頭Yongle Great Encyclopediachorushé tóu
出刊日期 201412




The notation “hé(合)” of Chinese opera script have two meanings:one is “chorus”, another one is “hé tóu(合頭)”.When the author use the same melody more times, the final skit is same, and it’s called “hé tóu(合頭)”. At the first melody’s “ hé tóu(合頭)” note a notation “hé(合)”, after the first, the same melodies will not show the same skits, it would note “hé tong qián(合同前)” or “hé tóu(合頭)”. I read the explanation about “chorus” and “hé tóu(合頭)” by Qián Nán Yáng, so that I want to know more about this from another scholars and to analyze the notation “hé(合)” of “Yongle Great Encyclopedia scripts(永樂大典戲文三種)”, determined the notation “hé(合)” is mean “chorus” or “hé tóu(合頭)”. And I will consult “Jiǔ Gōng Dà Chéng Chinese opera music book(九宮大成南北詞宮譜)” to discuss more about “hé tóu(合頭)”. According to the account and analysis, I differentiate “established rhythm”and”unestablished rhythm” of chorus,and I differentiate five kinds of “hé tóu(合頭)”. By the way, there have an appearance is “chorus with hé tóu (合頭)”
