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篇名 漁村再生的願景與實踐 -淺談八斗子社區的輔導經驗
卷期 44
並列篇名 Vision to Practice of Fishing Community Regeneration Experience of BaDouZi Community
作者 莊慶達何立德廖君珮
頁次 057-084
關鍵字 八斗子漁村三生漁業產業活化農村再生BaDouZi Fishing CommunityProduction-Life-Ecology FisheryIndustrial RevitalizationRural Regeneration
出刊日期 201501




To promote regeneration of fishing communities, balance of infrastructure and software build up should be considered. Echoing the sustainable development of Three-way farming functions, environmental- economic-social sustainability are foundation stones. The regeneration of BaDouZi fishing community including (i) strengthening eco-tourism and environmental education, (ii) organizing local market and promoting the sustainable production, and (iii) empowering participation and capability. This study carried out an in-depth interview with more than 20 local residents and two community consensus conferences. We organized a local market, established workshop and expert platform. From environmental perspective, BaDouZi marine tourism industry facing combination of eco-tourism which interacts with National Museum of Marine Science and Technology strengthen the environmental education. From economic perspective, industry diversification and local market, such as fishery product, package tour, and activities gave tourist an insight into BaDouZi fishing community. From social perspective, residents decide their visons and missions through community consensus conferences, identifying local resources, developing short-term and long- term strategies, and increasing employment aspirations for youth. During the execution of the “rural regeneration project”, we found information asymmetry and complicated clerical work increasing the level difficulties. Thus, continue guidance from experts in processing community regeneration is necessary to achieve the goals of environment, economy and society sustainability.
