
臺北大學法學論叢 TSSCI

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篇名 刑事審判程序中數位證據的證據能力--以傳聞法則及驗真程序為主
卷期 91
並列篇名 The Admissibility of Digital Evidence at Criminal Trail--Focusing on the Hearsay Rule and Authentication
作者 李榮耕
頁次 169-211
關鍵字 數位證據數位資料證據能力驗真傳聞法則非傳聞Digital evidenceDigital dataAdmissibilityAuthenticationThe hearsay rulesNon-hearsayTSSCI
出刊日期 201409




At criminal proceedings, parties bring digital evidence at criminal trial to prove what they claim after data in digital form appears. However, digital evidence, likes other kinds of evidence, should be admissible in order to be provided to prove claimed facts at trial. Among rules and procedures to decide whether digital evidence is admissible, the hearsay rule and authentication process are significantly crucial. This article discusses the relationship between digital evidence and the hearsay rule and when this rule applies to digital evidence. In addition, this article also analyzes the authentication of digital evidence and tries to provide the practice with relative suggestions.
