
教育與心理研究 TSSCI

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篇名 以路徑搜尋法探討學生就業力知識結構-以護理專業為例
卷期 36:4
並列篇名 Knowledge Structure of Employability Concepts for Nursing Students Using Pathfinder Method
作者 李來錫姚鐵城
頁次 103-129
關鍵字 知識結構就業力路徑搜尋法knowledge structureemployabilitypathfinder methodTSSCI
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.3966/102498852013123604005




This study aims to assess knowledge structures of employability concepts for onthe- job nurses and nursing students using pathfinder method so as to provide the nursing school a reference for course design. Totally, 569 data records are collected from nurses of eight hospitals and nursing students of six nursing colleges by questionnaire. The pathfinder model is employed to explore the knowledge structure of core employability and professional employability for students and different stage of on-the-job nurses. Results show that enthusiasm is the most popular concept of core employability comprehended by nurses and students. Senior nurses recognize that enthusiasm is highly related with communication and expression. It seems those concepts are not much emphasized by students. Professional knowledge is the most popular concept of profession. The concept can be separated into nursing knowledge and basic knowledge. The nursing knowledge is related with operation experience and capability of integration, and basic knowledge is related with information capability and capability of foreign language. It is suggested that school authorities should not only encourage students to obtain profession licenses but also empower students with capabilities of enthusiasm, compression and communication.
