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篇名 居家照顧服務員核心能力之研究:以雲林縣為例
卷期 22
並列篇名 Core Competency of Home Care Workers: A Case Study of Yunlin County
作者 賴素月陳毓璟
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 居家服務核心能力照顧服務員home care servicescore competencycare worker
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.3966/181880012014060022001




In this study, the required core competencies for home care workers were explored, comparing the differences between and factors that affect the perceived importance and actual performance of core competencies. A structured questionnaire survey was conducted; by 264 home care workers in Yunlin County, Taiwan.
The results are as follows: (1) the mean perception of core competencies for home care workers was scored between important and very important; (2) the home care workers possessed positive attitudes toward the 8 core competencies, including personality, service attitude, interpersonal communication, problem solving, professional knowledge, professional skills, work ethic, and self- and professional development; (3) the perceived importance of core competencies in home care workers was higher compared with the core competency levels they possessed; and (4) professional knowledge and self- and professional development were areas in which the home care workers felt inadequate and should improve first. These core competencies can be used as a reference for selecting home care workers. Finally, recommendations are offered for the research tools and participants in future studies.
