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篇名 退出聯合國後台韓日三邊關係之發展
卷期 49
並列篇名 Development of Korea-Taiwan-Japan Relations after ROC Withdrawing from UN
作者 蔡東杰
頁次 107-120
關鍵字 美國聯合國韓國台灣日本冷戰USUNSouth KoreaTaiwanJapanCold War
出刊日期 201501


自冷戰爆發以來,尤其在韓戰結束後,韓國、台灣與日本都因分別與美國簽署雙邊安全條約,從而成為以美國為首之「大同盟」(Grand Alliance)的一份子,彼此互動關係相當密切。不過,隨著美國對中國政策在1960年代末開始轉向,尤其1971年代表中華民國的台灣被迫退出聯合國後,前述關係也開始產生變化,例如日本便於1972年轉而與中共建交,至於韓國在1973年的「六二三宣言」也暗示可能與共產集團國家和解的趨勢。儘管如此,從日本隨即針對與台灣關係創造出「日本模式」的特殊關係,而韓國與台灣關係也持續到冷戰結束為止,直到1992年才與中共建交看來,此三邊關係既依舊維持某種穩定性,而此一特殊的穩定性也為本文試圖分析的重點所在。


Since the very beginning of the Cold War, especially the end of the Korean War in 1953, due to signing bilateral security treaty with US separately, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan did not only all become members of US-led “Grand Alliance,” but keep close interaction each other. However, after US turning up its China Policy since the late 1960s and Taiwan (ROC) withdrawing from UN in 1971, the former relationship was changing in the same time. For example, Japan decided to establish formal relation with PRC, and South Korea also declared the possibility for detente with communist countries. Anyway, this triple relationship still keeps stable because Japan created a so-called Japan-model relation with Taiwan immediately, and South Korea actually turned to Mainland until 1992. In this paper, I'll try to describe the origin and transformation of that.
