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篇名 CAN Bus 應用於電動載具系統監控與故障診斷之研究
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis for Electric Vehicles by Using Controller Area Network Bus Technology
作者 林保超汪偉智張舜長
頁次 029-039
關鍵字 控制區域網路匯流排整車系統監控故障診斷FlowcodeLabVIEWcontroller area network monitoring of vehicle systemsfault diagnosis
出刊日期 201503


近年來全世界的車廠所生產的車輛,為了符合環保規定及增加安全和舒適性,不斷的增加感測器、致動器及影音設備。為了減少車上電線數量,以減輕車輛重量,以及達到車上資訊共用的目的,各車廠皆已採用控制區域網路匯流排(CAN Bus)的架構來連接感測器與致動器,形成一個小型的區域網路控制。本研究完成一套具有電動載具系統監控及故障診斷等兩個功能模組之整合型系統,先利用Flowcode圖形化編成語言軟體編寫程式,再依據SAE J1939通訊協定訂立各節點的控制區域網路(CAN)ID(identification),使各感測器能將目前狀態透過控制區域網路匯流排傳輸至控制單元(ECU)進而進行下一步控制並以圖控軟體LabVIEW人機介面監控目前車輛行車資訊,另規劃出各節點故障項目及相對應安全配套措施,以確保整車安全,上述所開發之整合型系統,在本文中有搭配平台模擬實際車輛,透過CANKing匯流排監控軟體觀看各節所發出CAN訊號是否正常以驗證其可行性,經實驗證明本研究成功研發出一套具有電動載具系統監控及故障診斷之整合型系統。


The number of vehicles equipped with sensors and actuators has recently increased, in order to comply with environment requirements and to improve safety and comfort. Reducing the number of wires in a vehicle could reduce its weight. Many vehicle manufacturers have used the controller area network(CAN) bus technology to complete messages share in sensors. In this study, fault diagnosis and monitoring of electric vehicle systems was performed on a set of two functional modules within an integrated system. Sensor and actuator nodes were programmed using Flowcode. According to the SAE J1939 protocol, each node can make the CAN ID (identification). Electric vehicles could also be monitored by LabVIEW. Finally, a test platform was established to design a monitoring and diagnosis system for electric vehicles. Through a series of experiments, fault diagnosis and monitoring of electric vehicle systems was successfully verified.
