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篇名 家國尋根與文化認同:新華作家謝裕民的離散書寫
卷期 12
並列篇名 Homeland-Seeking and Cultural Identity Exploring Chia Joo Ming’s 謝裕民 Writings on Diaspora
作者 張松建
頁次 425-467
關鍵字 謝裕民離散尋根文化認同本土性Chia Joo Ming 謝裕民diasporaroot-seekingcultural identityChinese-nesslocalityTHCI
出刊日期 201412




Chia Joo Ming, a leading Chinese Singaporean writer, depicts diaspora as a common cultural phenomenon in human society. This article explores how Chia represents diaspora in his (non-) fictional writings of the past several decades, mainly focusing on his critical presentation of homeland-seeking and cultural identity. In addition, the article also highlights Chia’s personal views on the issues of diaspora and cultural identity, as well as how such views conform to those expressed by Western thinkers such as Stuart Hall and James Clifford. In the conclusion, the author asserts that in the brilliant meta-fictional work, Ambon Holiday 安汶假期, Chia unexpectedly pushes his position on identity politics to the deconstructionist extreme.
