
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 虛實整合:特力屋電子商務的服務創新
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 The Intergration of Online and Offline: Service Innovation of E-Commerce in B&Q
作者 姚成彥
頁次 337-409
關鍵字 虛實整合商業模式通路衝突創新服務體驗online to offlinebusiness modelchannel conflictinnovative serviceexperienceTSSCI
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.6160/2015.03.09




Previous researches focused on the importance, strength, complementarity, strategy from online to offline (O2O). Some studies use business model perspective to investigate the strategy from online to offline. Other researches use channel conflict perspective to explain the failure from online to offline. This research focused on the case study of Testrite Group to investigate how enterprise provides customers innovative service experience from online to offline (O2O). We found three conflict types during the O2O process: employee conflict, knowledge conflict and process conflict. In addition, we found four O2O types and some mechanisms to solve the conflicts.
