
中山管理評論 TSSCI

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篇名 混合教室的劇場分析:發現傳統與數位學習環境間的綜效
卷期 23:1
並列篇名 Dramaturgical Analysis of Hybrid Classrooms: Finding Synergies between Traditional and Digital Learning Context
作者 傅豐玲丁嘉仁
頁次 411-442
關鍵字 教學設計議題數位學習社群診斷模式劇場理論學習環境Pedagogical issuesOnlined learningCommunity of Inquiry modelDramaturgy theoryLearning environmentTSSCI
出刊日期 201503
DOI 10.6160/2015.03.10




Classroom learning performance in higher education, a complicated processs affected by a large number of variables that interact with one another, is examined in this paper based on the framework of dramaturgy theory. Blended classroom settings are increasingly favored in the realm of higher education in order to reap the benefits from both online and traditional face-to-face classrooms. This study utilizes four measurements to explore the possible effects of different pedagogical designs in the blended classroom: learning, teacher, social, and cognitive presences, from the community of inquiry model, and adds a fifth: platform presence. This study uses a two-cycle action research process to develop and test effective strategies of blended classroom pedagogy. In the first cycle, the influence of the platform is studied by evaluating incidences of satisfaction and disatisfaction beween the face-to-face and e-learning classroom, with shared teachers and content.Guidelines for pedagogical design that emerge from analyzing the first cycle are further applied to the second cycle of action research in order to evaluate their degree of usefulness.
