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篇名 科技大學女學生性別經驗之分析-以雙軌班學生為例
卷期 27
並列篇名 Gender experience analysisamong female students in a university of technology – An example from the students of the dual-track education system
作者 黃玉幸
頁次 211-228
關鍵字 雙軌班性別敘說分析Dual-track education systemGenderNarrative analysis
出刊日期 201410




The study aims to describe and interpret gender experience for female students from the dual-track education system during their growth process. In order to achieve qualitative research methodology, the researcher probes into 16 female students from H University of Technology to understand their gender experience. The research concludes the results as below: gender education from parents affects gender identity of their children. These female students understand the choice of becoming the one who is financially responsible for the family. The gender concept of men are superior to women has been deeply rooted in their thought. Female students are treated unfairly in learning environments on the campus. Women accept different manners from men silently in their working field. They concede or abandon career development of being a female engineer as well as stop at a point of self-sacrifice in ethical development, even they seem to behave independent. Based upon the result analysis, the researcher proposed re-copied class disadvantage and re-copied gender disadvantage. Finally, the researcher concludes that “gender equity” and “friendly working environment” are only slogans. Further introspective research thoughts ought to be addressed.
