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篇名 愛滋病患者憂鬱程度與自我照顧行為相關因素之探討
卷期 15:2
並列篇名 Factors Related to Depression and Self -care Behavior in AIDS Patients
作者 張簡英茹柯乃熒賴甫誌鄭綺
頁次 011-026
關鍵字 愛滋病憂鬱程度自我照顧行為AIDS patientsSelf-care behaviorDepression level
出刊日期 201309


本研究旨在探討愛滋病患者的憂鬱程度與自我照顧行為的相關性與預測因子。共收集121名符合收案條件之 個案,以結構式問卷進行資料收集。研究工具包括「貝克憂鬱量表」與「自我照顧行為量表」。資料分析採用SPSS 17.0軟體,以皮爾森積差相關值檢定(pearson’s correlation)與多元迴歸分析(Multiple Regression)進行統計分 析。研究結果顯示:個案之基本屬性與憂鬱程度未達統計上顯著差異。使用抗病毒藥物之個案,其自我照顧行 為較未使用抗病毒藥物者佳(t=-8.01, p<0.0001)。整體自我照顧行為與憂鬱無顯著相關(r=-.16, p=0.08), 但憂鬱與自我照顧行為中的「飲食與運動」呈顯著負相關(r=-.19, p=0.03)。使用抗病毒藥物是預測自我照顧 行為之主要變項,整體解釋力達35%(F=64.25, p<0.0001),具輕度憂鬱傾向者,使用抗病毒藥物與經濟情況 (薪水)為預測自我照顧行為之主要變項(F=21.17, p<0.0001),整體解釋力達37%。本研究結果可提供愛滋 個案的憂鬱程度與自我照顧行為現況與預測因子,有助於愛滋病患照護品質之提升。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between depression and self-care behavior and predictors of self-care behavior in AIDS patients. Both the Beck Depression Inventory and the Self-care behavior Scale were used for data collection. A total of 121 AIDS patients who met the selection criteria were recruited. Data was collected through structured questionnaires. The SPSS/17.0 Windows software statistical package was used for data analysis, including t-test, one way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation, and multiple regression with stepwise procedure. The results revealed that no significant difference was observed in the individual attributes and depression level. Subjects who use the anti-viral drugs have better self care behavior (t=-8.01, p<.0001). There is no significant correlation between depression and self care (r=-.16, p=0.08), but there is a negative correlation between depression and “diet and exercise” of self-care behavior (r=-.19, p=0.03). Using the anti-viral drugs is a significant predictor and can explain 35% of the variation in self -care behavior (F=64.25, p<.0001 ) in AIDS patients. Both using the anti-viral drugs and individual economic circumstance are significant predictors and can explain 37% of the variation in self -care behavior (F=21.17, p<0.0001 ) in AIDS patients with depression tendency. The results of this study provide the status and predictors of depression and self-care behavior in AIDS patients which contribute to improve the quality of care in AIDS patients.
