
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 黑暗中的景觀凝視與敘事:賽德克巴萊下的清流
卷期 27:3
並列篇名 Gazes and Narratives in the Dark Spectacle:Alang Gluban After the Film of Seedliq Bale
作者 趙芝良全恆儀洪貝旬
頁次 057-082
關鍵字 黑暗觀光景觀社會霧社事件賽德克巴萊Dark tourismSociety of the spectacleWushe eventSeediq BaleTSSCI
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.6130/JORS.2014.27(3)3




The purpose of this study is to explore the tourist gaze and local narrative in dark tourism and further explain the relationships between local narrative and stage narrative. Based on critical case sampling, participant observation and interviews and narrative inquiry were adopted as the methods of data gathering and analysis. The results showed that the tourist gaze mixed with mediatized gaze and dark gaze, which indicated that the tribe of Alang Gluban faced media effects from the movie, Seediq Bale. With this focus, many narrators have come out into the tourism stage. Many of these narrators are descendants of the surviving family of this event. When these narrators guide tourists, how do they face the past and introduce the history of this ethnic place, even to create the society of spectacle of themselves. The results of this study recognize that there are multiple contexts of the WuShe Event from different narrators and their narratives can enrich historical facts through the tourism stage.
