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篇名 科學圜區的開發對地方的影響: 中部科學工業圜區、西屯意象與在地行動
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 Effect of the Central Taiwan Science Park on Place: Xitun Image and Local Action
作者 謝志龍
頁次 057-088
關鍵字 中部科學工業圜區中科效應西屯意象在地行動The Central Taiwan Science ParkCTSP effectXITUN imagelocal action
出刊日期 201212


關於科學園區的研究,早期多聚焦政府或廠商的觀點,卻聽不到 地方居民的聲音。晚近,隨著生活品質與永續發展觀念的抬頭,地方 意見與在地行動愈來愈被重視。本文以中科臺中基地為研究對象,從 駐地西屯區居民的都市意象與在地行動著手,探索科學園區進駐與開 發的地方觀點。在研究方法上,本文的分析資料來自質化的田野訪談 與量化的問卷調査。研究結果顯示影響西屯區居民在都市當中行動的 因素,最重要的是對地方的感情,其次才是中科所帶來的預期效應。 地方經濟的發展雖然是老西屯人對於中科的殷殷期盼,但若是兼顧對 於地方的情感與認同時,在地西屯人的確對環境污染抱持著一定的憂 慮。總之,中科進駐西屯區之後,各種建設讓地方的都市空間重新有 功能性的配置,對都市住民的生活與心理都產生實質的作用,他們的 生活空間與生活方式都需重新調整與適應。這種空間鑲籤的結果,連 帶也讓西屯意象與在地行動被重新建構。


Research on science parks in Taiwan has often focused on governments or manufacturers, and few studies have investigated the viewpoint of place. Recently, an increasing number of people are becoming concerned with quality of life and sustainable development, and the opinions and actions of the local residents must be understood and emphasized. This study investigated the Central Taiwan Science Park (CTSP ) and focused on Xitun, where the CTSP is located. Thus, we exposed the images and local actions of Xitun. According to the collected data, interpreting the process of globalization and localization is crucial. We determined that local emotions are a major factor affecting local actions, and the effect of the CTSP is secondary. Although the residents foster clear city images, exhibit profound local emotions, and believe that the CTSP will bring prosperity to the local economy, they are concerned that the CTSP will damage their traditional lifestyle.
