
International Journal of Science and Engineering

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篇名 Analysis of IT Impact of Using Accounting Information System in Vietnam
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 資訊科技影響下越南之會計資訊系統使用分析
作者 王秀鑾杜氏川
頁次 111-116
關鍵字 會計資訊系統資訊科技網際網路越南Accounting Information SystemITInternetVietnam
出刊日期 201503




The proliferation of Internet and Information Technology (IT) has been transformed a lot in business features by the effect of networked environment change. IT settings and related facilities in business should be easy to use and support the satisfaction of users’ needs. Business is supported to use Accounting Information System (AIS) because of its efficiency, cost-efficient, automated, easy- payment and easier billing. The aim of this study aimed to describe the IT impact of business in Vietnam nowadays and understand the information needs of users through an analysis of AIS in the traditional and the present way of software user. The findings revealed that most of the users were satisfied with their AIS on the IT impact; they still need professional assistance in their using IT for information needs.

