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篇名 《神仙傳‧樊夫人》考釋
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 A Textual Study of “Lady Fan (Fan furen樊夫人)” in the Traditions of Divine Transcendents (Shenxian zhuan神仙傳)
作者 許凱翔
頁次 073-109
關鍵字 葛洪《神仙傳》樊夫人劉綱女仙Ge HongThe Traditions of Divine Transcendents Lady Fan Liu Gangfemale immortal
出刊日期 201312




This article analyzes the story of “Lady Fan (Fan furen) ” 樊夫人 in Ge Hong's 葛洪 (283-343)he Traditions of Divine Transcendents (Shenxian zhuan神仙傳) written by, and illustrates that even though the Lady Fan was depicted as aDaoist master, she still had s to prove her ability by defeating her husband Liu Gang. This shows, firstly, the tradition that female immortals were usually always accompanied by male immortals in early Daoist literatures. Secondly, this article categorizes all the different subsequent versions of the story of Lady Fan into four types to demonstrate that since the late Tang, the depiction of Lady Fan became more and more independent from the character of Liu Gang in the Daoist literatures.
