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篇名 讀南宋刻本《孔氏六帖》書後
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 A Preliminary Research on the Wooden Printing of the Southern Song Dynasty Edition of Kongshi Liutie
作者 李文瀾
頁次 139-170
關鍵字 南宋《孔氏六帖》版本校勘時代特色The Southern Song DynastyKongshi LiutieEditionCollationCharacteristics of the Times
出刊日期 201312




Kongshi Liutie is a genus-book (leishu) written by Kong Chuan. The extant edition was completed in the second year of Qiandao period under the reign of Emperor Zhao Shen in the Southern Song dynasty (A.D. 1166), now kept in National Palace Museum, Taipei. This is the only extant copy, while its only lacking scroll is being fortunately kept in Beijing National Library. Feasured by a calligraphic style alike to Ouyang Xun and Liu Gongquan's, this copy is dainty, rare and ranks among the best of the Song rare books. Collating it with the Baikong Liutie which was widely circulated since the Song dynasty shows that there are this text has still yet many places waiting for rectification, supplementation and restoration. So this book is of high value for philological study. Compiled in the embers of war, Kongshi Liutie did not simply imitate the model of Baishi Liutie. As a reading for local gentry, this book contains contents from both classics and artistry books. Its unique cultural value and features of contemporaneous time period are worth further research in the future.
