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篇名 提升慢性腎臟病第三期新病人自我照顧行為成效之專案
卷期 13:4
並列篇名 A Project to Improve Self-care Behaviors in Patients with Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease
作者 尤香琴王麗惠黃詩珮
頁次 024-038
關鍵字 慢性腎臟病自我照顧行為新病人chronic kidney diseaseself-care behaviornew patientTSCI
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.3966/172674042014121304003


本專案旨透過改善護理指導方式,提高慢性腎臟病第三期新病人自我照顧行為。 臨床上常見新病人缺乏對疾病的正確認知及對護理指導內容不了解,故病人在日常生 活中未能落實自我照顧行為來延緩腎臟病病程,此現象引發筆者撰寫本文動機。經調 查後有護理指導工具、護理指導技巧不純熟及環境等三方面產生問題;藉重新規劃護 理指導工具與教學方式、進行教學評值及環境改善等介入措施後。病人對「慢性腎臟 病護理指導課程」滿意度調查由 70%提升至 89.4%,腎臟保健知識分數從 27.1 分提 升至 98.6 分,自我照顧行為得分也由 2.6 分提高到 3.2 分。由以上措施證明提供符合 病人需求的護理指導,可提升病人自我照顧行為,進而提高護理照護品質。


This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of nursing education for improving selfcare behaviors in patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease. Such patients usually lacked adequate recognition of the diseases and nursing education. Insufficient knowledge prevented the patients from exhibiting proper self-care behaviors and limited the efficacy of nursing education in preventing kidney disease progression. These phenomena motivated the authors to conduct this project. After careful investigation, nursing staff found that poor education tools, inadequate teaching skills, and inappropriate environments were the three major causes of inefficient health education. By reorganizing nursing education tools and teaching methods, performing teaching assessments, and improving the teaching environment, patient satisfaction with “chronic kidney disease education courses” increased from 70% to 89.4%; the score in “kidney health knowledge” increased from 27.1 to 98.6; and the score in “self-care behavior” increased from 2.6 to 3.2. These results proved that individualized patient-focused nursing education may improve self-care behaviors and quality of nursing care among patients with stage 3 chronic kidney disease.
