
中國文哲研究集刊 CSSCITHCI

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篇名 從《玉海》、《困學紀聞》看王應麟的《詩經》文獻學
卷期 45
並列篇名 Wang Yinglin’s Shijing Scholarship, as Reflected in His Yu hai and Kunxue jiwen
作者 黃忠慎
頁次 171-205
關鍵字 王應麟《詩經》《玉海》《困學紀聞》史料彙編Wang YinglinShijingYu haiKunxue jiwendocumental materialsTHCI
出刊日期 201409




The Song dynasty scholar Wang Yinglin was known for his erudition, and his Yu hai and Kunxue jiwen were results of painstaking research. Yu hai is a renowned encyclopedia, and Kunxue jiwen consists of Wang’s reading notes and thoughts: both are big books and impressive scholarship. While Wang’s Shi kao and Shi dili kao clearly belong to the field of Shijing studies, Yu hai and Kunxue jiwen do not. Yet, this paper argues that Wang’s Yu hai and Kunxue jiwen contain documents that are invaluable for scholarly research of the Shijing. This paper examines Wang Yinglin’s Shijing scholarship, especially his presentation of historical documents of the Shijing, as reflected in his Yu hai and Kunxue jiwen. It also discusses the reception of his works since Song times. It concludes that students of Shijing should definitely consult Yu hai and Kunxue jiwen for information and materials.
