
中華輔導與諮商學報 TSSCI

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篇名 經驗取向督導受督者經驗歷程研究—心理劇導向擬態扮演方式的運用
卷期 42
並列篇名 The Experience of Supervisees in Experientially-Based Supervision Approach by Ways of Psychodrama Role Play
作者 游淑瑜李維倫
頁次 063-092
關鍵字 心理劇治療詮釋現象學經驗取向督導experientially-based supervision approachhermeneutic phenomenologypsychodramaTSSCI
出刊日期 201504




This study aims at revealing the structural contents of supervisees in experiential approach supervision. A method of phenomenological analysis was applied to the descriptions of supervisees’ experience. The descriptions were obtained from six counselor participants after they received experientially-based supervision approach and then worked with their clients for one or two more counseling sessions following the supervision. In this research the experiential supervision approach was implemented with the supervisees playing the role of their clients and the supervisor performed psychodrama to the supervisees. The results of the study identified the structural contents of experientially-based supervision approach from the supervisees’ perspectives. First, when the supervisees played the role of clients in supervision, they obtained a deep comprehension of the clients’ experiences and their understanding of the clients’ problems was deepened. Second, the supervisor’s therapy (psychodrama therapy) promoted a transformative bodily experience on the part of the supervisees. Thirdly, the supervisees were more able to reflect on their counseling process from a broad and global perspective, enhance their understanding of the clients and improve upon their therapy with the clients. This in turns enabled counselor supervisees to help their clients to experience bodily feelings and transformative bodily experiences. On the basis of this study, various important features of experientially-based supervision approach are considered and discussed.
