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篇名 附子理中湯加減治療急性胃脘痛病例報告
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 A Case Report of Treating Acute stomach ache with Fu- Zi-Li-Zhong Decoction .
作者 王瑜婷許堯欽
頁次 023-030
關鍵字 胃痛脾陽虛胃氣上逆附子理中湯stomach acheSpleen Qi deficiencyStomach Qi adverse risingFu-Zi-Li-Zhong decoctionXiao-Xian-Xiong decoction
出刊日期 201408




This is a 29-year-old female patient who often visits our out-patient department due to diarrhea. This time, she suffered from diarrhea and side effect of antibiotic agents cannot be rule out. The diarrhea was relief but stomach ache and vomit were noted after taking Imodine without prescript. The symptoms were: stomach ache, vomit, pale complexion, pulse were felt deep, thready and weak, and tenderness in epigastric region of abdomen. The holistic differential diagnosis was Spleen Yang deficiency, combine with Stomach Qi adverse rising. The prescription are Fu-Zi-Li-Zhong decoction with Xiao-Xian-Xiong decoction and was given immediately. We followed-up the changes of symptoms and found that the stomach ache and vomit were relieve right after taking the prescription.
