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篇名 補腎陽降低第二型糖尿病患者血糖之病例報告
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Case report: lowering blood glucose by supplementing kidney-Yang in a patient diagnosed as type 2 DM
作者 王致中
頁次 041-046
關鍵字 糖尿病血糖腎陽虛diabetes mellitusblood glucose valueKidney-Yang deficiency
出刊日期 201408




Diabetes mellitus is a diseases of abnormal carbohydrate metabolism. It causes hyperglycemia and many diabetic complications associated with vascular and neural diseases. Other than modern western medical treatment, traditional chinese medicine have been used to treat DM for a long time. The pathological mechanism of DM in traditional chinese medicine is「yin deficiency in root, and dryness heat in symptoms」, while 「nourishing yin and moistening dryness」 therapy is usually used. In this article, we present a case who has been diagnosed as type 2 DM for 5 years. We use supplementing kidney-yan therapy accompanied with nourishing yin and moistening dryness therapy to treat this patient without modern western medical treatment at the same time. After 9 months of treatment course, the HbA1C value of this patient lowers from 10.9 % to 9.1 %.
