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篇名 中醫治療胃脘痞滿病例報告
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Case Report: TCM treatment of epigastric fullness
作者 楊淑媚張文禎蔡昆道
頁次 055-062
關鍵字 痞滿肝氣犯胃epigastric fullnessliver qi invading stomach
出刊日期 201408




This is a 31-year-old female patient with asthma and allergic rhinitis history. According to the patient, because of repeated episodes of epigastric discomfort about eight months, epigastric fullness, nausea, no epigastric tenderness, heartburn, acid reflux, belching , phlegm in throat , the endoscopy showed no abnormalities.She come to the hospital for medical treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. She is nervous, hottempered, epigastric discomfort usually occurred at 4-5 pm, no particular aggravating or mitigating factors. She also complianed chest tightness, palpitations, dry mouth, poor sleep, breast swelling and dizziness duirng menstruation. She had string ,thin and rapid pulse. the white fur and pale red tongue. TCM diagnosis is liver qi invading stomach. The symptoms relieve after TCM treatment,that prove the therapeutic effect of TCM in epigastric fullness and other stomach symptoms.
