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篇名 忠誠度方案門檻、貨幣成本與消費正當性對消費者獎酬偏好之影響
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 The Impact of Loyalty Program Threshold, Monetary Costs, and Justification of Consumption on Preference toward Rewards
作者 張心馨張重昭林祝英
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 忠誠度方案門檻貨幣成本消費正當性loyalty program thresholdmonetary costjustification of consumptionScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201006


本研究針對娛樂品/實用品與奢侈品/必需品進行二項實驗,探討忠誠度方案門檻高 低,消費者是否需支付額外現金,消費正當性等對消費者選擇奢侈品相對於必需品(或 娛樂品相對於實用品)偏好之影響。主要結論有:(1)提高方案門檻會提高消費者娛樂品 相對於實用品之偏好以及對奢侈品/必需品之偏好;(2)顧客不需支付現金會有較高之 娛樂品/實用品偏好與較高之奢侈品相對於必需品偏好;(3)減少消費不正當性將增加 娛樂品相對於實用品偏好之效果並未提高;(4)購買奢侈品之不安感為高(相對於不安感 低)時,提高方案門檻將增加顧客對奢侈品相對於必需品相對偏好之效果並未較高;(5) 購買奢侈品較娛樂品有更高不安感,推測奢侈品不足現象也較娛樂品更為明顯。


This research is aimed at exploring the influence of loyalty program threshold, monetary costs, and consumption justification on consumers' preference toward rewards. Study 1 is a 2x2 between subject experimental design with college students as the unit of analysis, and the rewards for choice are hedonic and utilitarian products. Study 2 is also a 2x2 between subject experimental design, and respondents are working class. The rewards are either luxury or necessity. The conclusions include: (1) Higher loyalty program threshold leads to both a significant increase of preference for hedonic over utilitarian rewards, and a significant increase of preference for luxury over necessity rewards. (2) Free rewards as compared to rewards granted with monetary payment will result in both a significant positive effect on preference for hedonic over utilitarian rewards, and a significant positive effect on preference for luxury over necessity rewards. (3) The portion of living expenses supported by others does not significantly moderate the loyalty program threshold-choice of hedonic/utilitarian rewards relationship. (4) The degree of uneasy feelings does not moderate loyalty program threshold-choice of luxury/necessity rewards relationship. (5) Uneasy feelings toward luxury consumption comparing to hedonic consumption implies luxury deficiency is higher than hedonic product deficiency.
