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篇名 資訊與皇權之強化-以明、清通政使司的興衰為例
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 Information and the Reinforcement of Emperors’ Power ----A Study of the Rise and Fall of T’ung-Cheng Ssu in Ming and Ch’ing
作者 顧慕晴
頁次 091-114
關鍵字 資訊明代清代皇權通政使司奏摺InformationInformation PowerMingCh’ingT’ung-Cheng Ssuthe Palace Memorial System
出刊日期 201309




The article intends to analyze the relationship between information and the reinforcement of the emperors’ power during the Ming and Ch’ing Dynasty. The article assumes that one of the important means that the emperors strengthen his power is to control over the information straightly. The more directly the emperors control the information channels and the more volume of information the emperors could earn, the more power the emperors could possess. It is quite natural for any emperor to dominate the information channels singly and to gain information as soon and as much as possible. The article applies the T’ung-Cheng Ssu as the object to observe this proposition. The rising of the T’ung-Cheng Ssu’s happened in the beginning of Ming Dynasty and its downfall took place in the end of Ch’ing Dynasty. It is interesting, although the rising and downfall appeared complete opposite phenomena on the surface, they came about by the same cause----the emperors attempted to strength their power. In order to obtain the total information around the whole country rapidly and secretly, the emperors in Ming Dynasty created T’ung-Cheng Ssu to deprive the prime ministers’ power on information. For the identical reasons, the emperors of Ch’ing Dynasty built up a new information gathering channel----the Palace Memorial System to substitute T’ung-Cheng Ssu. Comparative to T’ung-Cheng Ssu, The Palace Memorial System was more directly and strictly controlled under the emperors. As well as it offered more quick and private and complete information as the expectation of the emperors.
