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篇名 政策變遷對社區意涵的影響: 台灣一九九四至二○一二年的 社區總體營造政策
卷期 19:4
並列篇名 The Influence of Policy Change on Community: The Community Renaissance Policy in Taiwan From 1994 To 2012
作者 邢瑜
頁次 001-023
關鍵字 社區社區發展政策變遷政策網絡社區總體營造政策communitycommunity developmentpolicy changepolicy networkcommunity renaissance policy
出刊日期 201312




Since politics environment and traditional culture context of Taiwan have changed over time, there are many different phases and forms of “Community Development Policy” from 1965 till now, therefore, how “Community Development Policy” influenced by environment and culture, also influence our perspectives of community as well as the whole policy. No matter what your concern on Community’s study, we have to figure out the important events, stakeholders and context of policy. This paper is intended to utilize community policy by the concept of policy network as well as policy change, and the meaning as well as the functions of community in different policies. The results are include of the meaning of community is more empowerment and public-driven then before, furthermore, change of policy is basic on “policy succession”, and influenced by government as well as the key person.
