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篇名 女性主管的性別歧視:性別角色傳統傾向與女王蜂症候群
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 The Sexual Discrimination from Female Manager: The Inclination of Gender Stereotype and Queen Bee Syndrome
作者 溫金豐石若瑩陳淑媛張菡琤
頁次 079-113
關鍵字 女王蜂症候群女性主管性別角色刻板印象性別歧視性別研究queen bee syndromegender stereotypesexual discriminationfemale managergender researchTSSCI
出刊日期 201308




When it comes to the issues of sexual discrimination, they would be discussed and concluded with male’s prejudice and ignored the female’s discrimination on gender difference. These unfair discriminations may usually follow the gender stereotyping held by a society. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between female managers’ inclination of gender stereotype and their queen bee behaviors standing by the viewpoints of Organizational Ecology and Social Identity Theory. Also, we tested the moderating effects of female manager’s marriage status and the gender composition of the department. All the hypotheses were supported. The results showed that the stereotype of female managers had a significant positive relationship with queen bee behaviors. The single marital status of female managers and the high-male gender composition of the department strengthened the relationship between the traditional inclination of gender stereotype held by female managers and their queen bee behaviors.
