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篇名 人力資源發展工作者專業素養指標建構及驗證之研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 Construction and Validation of the Indicators of Professionalism for Human Resource and Development Professionals
作者 李藹慈楊博丞
頁次 081-128
關鍵字 人力資源發展工作者指標專業素養human resource development professionalindicatorprofessionalism
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.3966/181880012014120023003


本研究旨在建構及驗證人力資源發展工作者專業素養指標。首先,透 過文獻探討建立指標初步架構,再以半結構式訪談10位實務工作者,發展 指標具體內容;接著以由9位實務工作者和6位學者專家組成之德懷術專家 小組,進行三回合德懷術問卷調查,協助建構有效的指標項目;最後,以 《天下雜誌》依2010年度獲利率排名調查之臺灣前100名製造業、前100名 服務業、前100名金融業之人力資源工作者為對象進行調查,共回收520份 有效電子問卷,並藉由SEM驗證指標模式和實務資料的適配情形,以建構 具 信、效度之指標。 研究結果發現,人力資源發展工作者專業素養之重要內涵包括專業態 度、專門知能、關鍵知能等三層面、十一個向度及五十一項指標,且指標 具有良好的建構信、效度。最後,針對實務工作者、企業界、培育機構及 後續研究提出具體建議。


This study aimed to construct and verify the indicators of professionalism for Human Resource and Development (HRD) professionals. Initially, an indicator framework was constructed according to a review of the literature. Then, ten HRD professionals were interviewed to develop more substantive descriptors for the content of the indicators. Subsequently, fifteen experts, including 9 practitioners and 6 academic scholars, were invited to participate in 3 rounds ofreturned. According to matching levels between the structural equation model and practical data, reliability and validity indicators were established. The results showed that a total of 51 indicators could be categorized into three aspects and 11 dimensions. These indicators possess construct validity and reliability. In conclusion, this newly developed tool can be applied to measure the professionalism of HRD professionals. Delphi questionnaires in order to further review, confirm, and construct a final set of indicators. Finally, questionnaires were sent to professionals in Top-100 manufacturing, service industry, and financial companies respectively. In total, 520 valid electronic questionnaires were
