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篇名 溪頭自然教育園區社會心理承載量調查
卷期 28:1
並列篇名 Social Carrying Capacity Investigation in Xitou Nature Education Area
作者 王亞男林麗貞張倍誠李冠賢余家斌
頁次 031-044
關鍵字 承載量社會心理承載量擁擠知覺視覺評估法Carrying capacitysocial carrying capacityperceived crowdingvisual approach
出刊日期 201403


本研究主要目的為調查溪頭自然教育園區各觀光區域的社會心理承載量(social carrying capacity),並進一步推估園區整體社會心理承載量,換言之,評估遊客於各景點對擁擠感所能接受 的最大程度,進而估計出園區的最大社會心理承載量,在維護遊客的遊憩體驗前提下,讓管理單 位在遊憩經營管理上更有效率。研究結果指出園區整體社會心理承載量人數限制建議為每日8,700 人。若園區社會心理承載量上限定為8,700人,則102年1-11月僅有12日超過此一數值,大多數的 日子均未超過上限,所以遊客量是未飽和的。在此建議透過不同的宣傳活動與合作活動吸引更多 人遊園。此外,也應提供遊客分流資訊與分流工具、熱門景點即時流量監控系統與多樣化導覽服 務。


The research purpose is to investigate social carrying capacity of scenic spots in Xitou Education Area (XNEA) that further estimates limited social carrying capacity of XNEA. The results show that XNEA’s social carrying capacity should be limited to 8,700 arrivals per day. In this sense, only seventeen days are over the limit during Jan to Nov 2013. In other words, XNEA could accommodate more tourists in terms of social carrying capacity. The research suggests that XNEA should attract more tourists since not reach the limitation yet. Additionally, providing the crowdedness information of scenic spots, distribution vehicles, real-time tourist flow monitoring system, and additional interpretive services could contribute to tourists’ satisfaction.
