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篇名 溪頭自然教育園區遊憩衝突與滿意度之研究:台灣與中國遊客之比較
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 Study of Recreation Conflict and Satisfaction in Xitou Nature Education Area: A Comparison of Taiwan and China Tourists
作者 余家斌李慎威陳群育
頁次 097-107
關鍵字 遊憩衝突(Recreation Conflict)遊憩滿意度(Recreation Satisfaction)中國遊客 (Chinese Tourists)溪頭自然教育園區(Xitou Nature Education Area)Recreation ConflictRecreation SatisfactionChinese TouristsXitou Nature Education
出刊日期 201406


本研究旨在探討台灣與中國遊客在「文化背景」不同下,其「遊憩衝突」「遊憩滿意 度」感受是否有所差異。本研究利用「遊客個人背景資料」、「遊憩衝突」及「遊憩滿意度」三 者變項設計問卷,並以溪頭教育園區之台灣與中國遊客為研究對象。實地發放437份正式問卷,扣 除無效問卷60份,台灣與中國遊客實得有效問卷分別為197份及180份,共377份,回收率82.3%。 根據問卷所得資料利用敘述性統計、信度分析、獨立樣本T檢定及皮爾森積差相關等統計方法進行 資料分析。研究結果顯示:(一)在遊憩衝突之差異分析中,在「資源特性」、「經驗模式」及 「生活型態容忍度」三項構面中,中國遊客之遊憩衝突感受皆低於台灣遊客; (二)遊客文化背 景對「滿意度」有顯著差異,中國遊客對於溪頭園區內之遊憩滿意度高於台灣遊客;(三)「整 體遊憩衝突」與「遊憩滿意度」呈負相關。


The purpose of this study was comparing perceptions of recreation conflict and satisfaction between Chinese and Taiwanese tourists due to cultural differences at a popular tourist destination, Xitou Nature Education Area. A total of 437 questionnaires were distributed. Out of which 60 questionnaires were non-response. The remaining 377 questionnaires included 197 from Taiwanese tourists and 188 from China tourists with a response rate of 82.3%. The result showed that (1) China tourists perceived lower recreation conflict comparing to Taiwanese tourists in terms of resource specificity, mode of experience, and lifestyle tolerance, (2) China tourists' recreation satisfaction was higher than Taiwanese tourists, and (3) recreation conflict and satisfaction were negatively correlated.
