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篇名 利用逢機擴大多型性去氧核醣核酸標誌鑑定棍棒 椰子(Hyophorbe verschaffeltii )及 酒瓶椰子(H. lagenicaulis )之天然雜交種
卷期 28:2
並列篇名 Identifying the Natural Hybrids Between Hyophorbe verschaffeltii and H. lagenicaulis by RAPD Markers
作者 洪聖峰潘富俊
頁次 123-130
關鍵字 逢機擴大多型性去氧核醣核酸天然雜交酒瓶椰子屬分子標記遺傳歧異度RAPDnatural hybridHyophorbemolecular markergenetic diversity
出刊日期 201406


本研究以24條逢機引子對採自林試所恆春分所之棍棒椰子(Hyophorbe verschaffeltii )、酒 瓶椰子(H. lagenicaulis )及疑似雜交種植物進行RAPD檢測。結果獲得188條條帶,其中57條單型性 條帶,131條多型性條帶;二株不具稔性之疑似雜交植物間之遺傳歧異度為7.54%,介於棍棒椰子 樣本間歧異度7.98%及酒瓶椰子樣本間歧異度5.32%之間,且棍棒椰子及酒瓶椰子各自特有條帶58 條及62條中,分別有48條及40條出現於疑似雜交種植物中,可推論此疑似雜交種植物為棍棒椰子 x酒瓶椰子之雜交後代,此雜交種植物遺傳物質經本試驗檢測顯示較傾向母本,其與棍棒椰子具 31.38%遺傳歧異值,二者再與酒瓶椰子具49.07%遺傳歧異值。


RAPD method by using 24 random primers was adopted to identify hybrids between two common ornamental palm species, Hyophorbe verschaffeltii and H. lagenicaulis . These two and their putative hybrids were planted at Hengchun research center of Taiwan Forestry Research Institute. Among the 188 bands obtained from RAPD fingerprints, 131 are polymorphic, of which 58 and 62 are specific in H. verschaffeltii and H. lagenicaulis , respectively. The percentage of diversity calculated from polymorphic fragments between two putative natural hybrids (7.54) is between that of H. verschaffeltii (7.98) and H. lagenicaulis (5.32). 48 specific bands of H. verschaffeltii and 40 specific bands of H. lagenicaulis occurred in the putative hybrids. The results supported the parentage of the putative hybrids between H. verschaffeltii and H. lagenicaulis . The cluster analysis showed the genetic distance between hybrids and H. verschaffeltii was 31.38%, and H. verschaffeltii -hybrids and H. lagenicaulis was 49.07%.
