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篇名 利用國產疏伐木開發具傳統榫接特色之文創商品(Ⅰ)
卷期 28:4
並列篇名 Using domestic thinned wood to develop the cultural and creative products with characteristics of traditional mortise (I)
作者 李佳如鄭森松蔡明哲張上鎮莊閔傑
頁次 259-277
關鍵字 疏伐木傳統榫接文創商品Thinned WoodTraditional MortiseCultural and Creative Products
出刊日期 201412


選用柳杉、臺灣杉、杉木及臺灣櫸等臺灣造林疏伐木做為發展應用的材料,開發文具、 電子周邊用品、燈飾、時鐘及椅櫈等五種類型具傳統榫接特色之文創商品,試驗結果顯示,經由 圖像造形、榫卯型式、實用性、趣味性等不同層次探討後,分別開發出深具「直材交叉接合」榫 接特色的紙鎮、「鳩尾榫」榫接特色的隨身碟、「四角合榫」榫接特色的桌燈、「三缺榫」榫接 特色的桌鐘、「指接榫」榫接特色的小椅櫈等 5種產品,各呈現出臺灣國產材開發文創商品之獨特 風格。


In this study, we use Cryptomeria japonica , Taiwania cryptomerioides , Cunninghamia lanceolata and Zelkova serrata thinning logs as the materials to develop stationeries, lightings, clocks, stools and electronic peripheral products. The results revealed that, through analysis of image modeling, mortise types, practicality and entertaining, cultural and creative products will be carried out when combining characteristics of traditional mortise. Creative paperweight combined with mortise style of " Wood strips with direct cross-bonding ", USB drive combined with mortise style of "Dovetail", table lamps combined with mortise style of "Cross co-tenon", table clock combined with mortise style of "Trisection tenon ", small stool combined with mortise style of " Finger joints" were developed. These cultural and creative products made of domestic thinned wood show unique style of traditional mortise.
